Terms & Conditions

Additional Needs

Here at Oaker Wood we are continually working to ensure that all guests enjoy the many benefits of our activities. If a member of your group has additional requirements, we will be pleased to discuss these with you. To enable us to make an accurate assessment of service provision and identify appropriate resources in relation to access, activities, successful participation and health and safety, we ideally need full details as soon as possible.

Ensuring we can cater for the additional needs of an individual requires advance notification to allow for appropriate planning. We are only able to take responsibility for arrangements that have been discussed and agreed with us in advance. We understand that additional needs could relate to disability, dietary requirements, behavioural difficulties or religious/cultural requirements. All requests for additional needs must be confirmed via email to [email protected].

See below for more policies and procedures.

Our Terms & Conditions

General Day Activities

Glamping Terms & Conditions

Holiday Club & Teen Day Terms & Conditions

Policies & Procedures

If you would like copies of any of our Risk Assessments or policies linked to any specific activity please get in touch.

Privacy Policy

Cookie Policy

Safeguarding Policy

Child Protection Policy

Behaviour Policy for children & Teens attending our Activity Days in School Holidays